How to Choose the Best Front Door Color for Your House

Young woman in dressy shirt and skirt, holding handbag, steps out of lovely woodgrain front door with oval glass insert

Are you planning to replace your home’s front door? This is an excellent opportunity to exercise your creative flair while also updating the look of your home’s façade. While there are many details to consider when you’re selecting the ideal entry door for your house, the color is likely to have the biggest effect on curb appeal. Here are three important questions to ask as you consider the many colors and woodgrain finishes available for your new entry door:

What’s Your Primary Reason for Replacing Your Front Door?

If you’re replacing a door because it’s worn or malfunctioning, you’ll have freer rein to follow your heart when it comes to selecting a new door color. On the other hand, if you’re replacing your front door because you’re planning to sell your home, you’ll want to pay attention to homebuyer preferences. Tip: A recent study by revealed that houses with black or charcoal gray front doors sold for significantly higher prices than homes with front doors of other colors.

What Style of Home Do You Have?

Exterior home designers say bold colors are often the best choice for modern homes, and the well-respected door manufacturer ProVia has introduced an entire lineup of bold front doors colors like Robin Egg, Cabernet, and Blueberry. However, if you have a stately colonial home, your best choice may be a more traditional door color like black, gray, or burgundy.

What Door Colors Are Prevalent in Your Neighborhood?

If you live in a neighborhood with homeowners association (HOA) restrictions, you should adhere to those front door color guidelines to avoid a potentially costly mistake. Even if you’re not in an HOA, you’ll want your home’s exterior décor to coordinate well with surrounding homes.

Weber Windows is a well-established home improvement company in Louisville, Kentucky, and we install gorgeous ProVia front doors for homeowners throughout this area. We’ll be delighted to help you select the ideal color and other features for your new front door. Contact us today to get started.