Should I Replace My Windows Before Selling My Home?

If you’re looking to sell your home, you might be looking at your house and seeing a mountain of home improvement projects. It can be overwhelming! One project that many homeowners ask about is replacement windows. Local window company Weber Windows is your expert on the subject, so let us help you figure out a path forward.

New Windows as Part of a Home Sale

When selling a home, the object of the game is to maximize the benefits and minimize the issues. If you’re selling a home with new windows, you’re automatically giving your home a boost over any others in the area.

The benefits of new windows in a home sale can be dramatic. Considering you’re selling a home with a new product designed to help homeowners save money in the long run, it’s a tremendous value add. According to one study, new windows can add over $13,000 to a home’s value.

However, it’s important to note that the cost of new windows, depending on the size of your home, can be anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000+. Still, the replacement window ROI is much higher since you can use the new windows as a selling point to move your home much quicker.

Things to Consider

Of course, you’ll want to consider several things before you decide on replacing your windows:

  • Cost of the project
  • Current condition of your existing windows
  • Comparable homes in the area
  • Alternative options for window replacement

Whatever you choose, you must stand firm and not waver. Considering how challenging selling a home can be, you may find it necessary to invest in other, more essential parts of your home.

Want to Learn More? Contact Weber Windows

If you’re buying or selling a home, Weber Windows wants to be your choice in windows for the Louisville, Kentucky, area. Our decades of experience, friendly staff, and selection of windows can help elevate your home. To learn more, contact us today!