How Do I Know When to Replace My Home Windows?

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” might be a good motto to live by when it comes to many everyday decisions, but replacing your home windows isn’t one of them. It’s true that many homeowners don’t shop for new windows until they notice water leaking in around their window seals or get tired of yanking on windows that refuse to open and close as intended. However, putting off a window replacement project can lead to unnecessary expenses, such as repairing rotten wood around a leaky window. And, if you’re having trouble closing your windows, you probably won’t be able to lock them properly, which could expose your home to break-ins.

Signs That You Need New Home Windows

Homeowners decide to replace their windows for all kinds of reasons, but here are some of the most common ones:

Spongy Window Frames

If you have wood-frame windows, you may notice that the wood is soft to the touch, which is evidence of rot and water infiltration.

Drafty Windows

Do you feel a slight breeze when you’re standing near your closed windows inside your home? This means your windows are not adequately protecting your home from air infiltration, which may cause your HVAC system to work overtime to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. If you’ve been noticing higher energy bills, your old, worn-out windows could be to blame.

Excess Noise Infiltration

Has the neighborhood around your home changed since you moved in? Is there increased noise from a busy highway? More neighbors with lawnmowers and other loud yard-maintenance equipment? It may be time to invest in windows that will allow less noise to enter your home.

Where to Turn for Home Replacement Windows

If you live in the Louisville, Kentucky, area, you can turn to Weber Windows for help in choosing the best windows for your home. We offer a wide selection of high-quality replacement windows that will allow you to choose fiberglass, vinyl, wood, or composite frames. You can also count on us for expert installation services. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation at our Louisville showroom or your home in the Louisville area.